05: cinema magic is kind of a scam

Published by Kami Voidsun on


Come on, you know I'm right about this one.


Alrighty, so i was listening to trash taste while eating sone kfc today, and the topic of “cinema magic” came up, and i kinda wanna talk about that. Mainly, why in my opinion watching a movie in the cinema is probably one of the worst ways you could experience it. Like, yes, Cinemas have good screens/audio… If you have a decent seat at least. But… I feel like its just not really worth it, and heres why: So, first up, actually having to go to the cinema. Like, watching a movie at home will always at least have the advantage of y’know… Watching it at home instead of having to buy overpriced movie tickets and needing to drive to a cinema. Alright, so let’s say you bought a ticket and arrived at the cinema. Guess what, you cant bring your own snacks. Now, i kinda get why that’s a thing, and i’d be alright with it if the food you could buy at Cinemas was like, actually good. But nah, most of the time you gotta make a decision between overpriced, soggy nachos or popcorn, which is probably the most boring snack ever invented. Alright, so, you’ve gotten your snacks and sat down to watch a movie. Now, another inherent disadvantage of watching a movie in the cinema is, well… Other people. Like, honestly, watching a movie with like 30 other strangers who are also just all sitting there in silence is mostly just annoying. Like, if you’re watching the movie with friends or whatever, you cant even y’know, talk about the movie because you’d be annoying everyone else in the room. Well, you could but who wants to be that guy, yknow. Next up, you cant just leave whenever. Like, oh, you wanna go to the bathroom real quick? Well, guess what? You’re gonna miss part of the movie. Oh, the movie you’re watching turned out to be boring? Welp, better sit it out, because if you leave now you’ll just have wasted all of your money. Now, you can’t really fix most of these issues due to, y’know, how cinema works, but that’s kind of my point. Just watching a movie at home is a hundred times easier, more convenient, and more fun, even if the audio/visuals might be a bit worse. Like yeah, objectively, a cinema screen is probably going to be thousands of times better than whatever you’ve got at home, but let’s be serious, how much are you really going to notice? Especially because you’ll be seated pretty far from the screen in a cinema anyways.

Like, seriously, yes, what you use to watch the movie matters to some extent but after a certain point there’s just diminishing returns. Like, the best experience I’ve ever had watching a movie was watching your name on my pc monitor at like 2am. And honestly, i dont think that could’ve been improved by watching it in a cinema. There was just something about that experience that was… Special, y’know. Like, it was 2am, i probably should’ve been sleeping, but i was like, “y’know what, im just gonna go watch a movie because im bored.” So, i remembered hearing that your name was supposed to be really good, and i started watching it. That was the first time i cried while watching a movie. Like, i was never that invested in a movie before, and i think part of it was because it was just me, in my room, at like 2am so i was the only one awake, so the movie was the only thing i focused on. No distracting strangers blocking my view. No fear of missing like half the movie because i needed to go to the bathroom. Just, y’know… The actual movie i wanted to watch. I can guarantee the movie wouldn’t have been as impactful if i had to like, do research about whether or not it was actually decent, buy a ticket and drive to the cinema just to see it. 

Honestly, i can kinda see why some people like “the cinema experience ™” but it’s definitely not the best way to watch a movie.