06: how i ended up here

Published by Kami Voidsun on


Some backstory.


So… It’s like 1am right now, and i need an excuse not to go to sleep yet. So, why not tell the story of why ended up making this blog?  I know, this probably isn’t the most interesting topic but… I’ll try my best to make it somewhat entertaining, alrighty.

Basically, it all started… About two years ago, i think? I had to of an internship at a company for my school and honestly, it was pretty fun. Only Problem was: There was a lot of downtime, so id often end up messing around with my phone. Sadly, i didn’t have mobile data at that point do basically all i could do was read old whatsapp messages or play Tetris, which got quite boring pretty quickly. So, i decided to start writing a diary in order to kill time, and in the hope that once i had written a bunch of entries I’d have forgotten the first few and could re-read them when i was bored. And, as it turns out, writing diary entries is pretty fun! So, at some point i thought about publishing that sorta stuff somewhere. Obviously, i couldn’t just post the entries i had already written online, because they were way too personal but maybe i could do something similiar. At forst i tried making my own website to post stuff on. Making the actual site was a lot of fun, but i could never get myself to actually post something on there since my family knew about it, and i didn’t exactly want my grandma to look at my stupid ramblings about videogames. So, next up i tried Blogspot. …I made exactly 1 Blogpost, didn’t touch the blog again for months, and then deleted it. So here we are, at attempt number 2! So far, even with the big delays between posts it’s been going a lot better than expected. Honestly, i was also kinda expecting to just delete this after one post but hey, now we’ve got like, 6. Which is, y’know… More than one. Don’t know when I’ll post the next one, but i think i’ll be using this to tell a few more irl stories from now on and like, actually talk about my experiences instead of rambling on about movies and stuff …i mean, i’ll still be doing that but y’know… I’ll also be talking about some other stuff now.