07: auto renewing subscriptions
Published by Kami Voidsun on
PermalinkSeriously, why is everything a service now?
Welp, im back now… Only took like a year…
Anyways, you know what really annoys me?
How much shit seems to be a subscription service nowadays for like, no reason. I wanted to buy a box full of random japanese sweets a while ago, because i like trying new snacks, but literally every website i could find was sub based. Like, seriously, i just wanna buy one box, i don’t wanna sign up for your stupid service. What’s even more annoying is that every subscription service seems to default to auto renewing, so every time i sign up for anything i then have to cancel the auto renewal so i don’t forget about it and have it charge me for like 3 more months. Like, maybe don’t base your business plan on me forgetting that your service even exists.
Welp, time to stop posting anything for like 3 months i guess xd
Seriously though, ill try making blog entries more regularly now, let’s see how that turns out i guess lol