18: "productivity" videos
Published by Kami Voidsun on
PermalinkIronically, they make you less productive
One of the things thats always really annoyed me is the Internets obsession with productivity. I’ve seen one too many videos about “how to replace x fun thing in your life with even more work”, and I honestly think this type of stuff is incredibly stupid and destructive. Can we please, just for a moment, acknowledge that you need to relax every now and then to like, continue functioning as a human being? No, you shouldn’t neglect every aspect of your life in order to play videogames, but it’s also stupid to cut things that you enjoy out of your life completely. I’d understand it if these videos were about like, videogame addiction or something, but for the most part, they’re just aimed at the average person. So no, you don’t need to spend every second of your life being productive. It’s alright to “waste” your time playing videogames, or doing other stuff you enjoy. At the end of the day, if you had fun you didn’t end up wasting your time.