22: this blogpost is good art
Published by Kami Voidsun on
PermalinkThis post has gotta be good, i heard it was rated 5 stars on yelp.
I’m going to be honest, I’m a bit tired of the way a lot of the internet handles, and a lot of people in general handle art. A concerning number of people seem to believe that theres some sort of scale or objective standard by which you can measure art. That theres “good” and “bad” art. Yes, thats obviously true to some extent. Despite humans having vastly different preferences in media, theres plenty of ways you can make something that just objectively isnt very entertaining or interesting. But i do feel like weve just gotten a bit to stuck up on categorizing everything, trying to find the objectively best way to make art, or the ‘best’ artists when something like that doesnt really exist. As much as there are obviously differences in skill and experience between artists and pieces of art, and critiquing them is interesting, a lot of people are just too stuck up on who is ‘the best’.
I feel like this is most prevalent in the music community, where theres honestly quite a staggering amount of elitism. Theres plenty of People listening to, for example, Kanye West or <\Insert famous Musician here> and trying to prove you wrong for not liking them, or for liking some other band they think of as objectively bad.
This doesnt only happen with music though - it happens with literally any type of media that has any amount of creative expression involved. Just look at the number of people in the comments of cooking videos skewering Youtubers for not making carbonara ‘the right way’ for example. People seem to increasingly think of taste as something objective.
Obviously, thats not new. This kind of tribalism has existed since pretty much forever. Forming these sort of groups is how humans survived for so long after all. It makes sense that if youre a big fan of a musician you start to increasingly identify with their work. Then, when somebody attacks that or simply show a complete disinterest in it, that can feel hurtful. Still, i think the internet has definitely made this process happen a lot faster and become a lot more toxic. With the way our social media networks are pretty much designed to create echo chambers, this creates the perfect breeding ground for these sorts of things to happen. Just go on youtube and look at the comments of any popular music video. Theyre pretty much all completely meaningless. Just heaps of people saying how great the artist is and not actually adding literally anything, just patting each other on the back for how good their music taste is.
I do think that part of the blame also falls on the rise of pseudo-intellectuals like the self-proclaimed """intellectual darkweb""". As edgy as that name sounds, i do think that in their search for a name that makes them sound as cool and edgy as possible they ironically succeeded in finding a fitting title. Just like the real darkweb, this one is also full of misinformation and conspiracy theories and is coincidentally also often trying to sell you sketchy supplements. Maybe not what they were going for though. Anyways, one of the big things they keep bringing up is that taste is somehow measured objectively. A big talking point you will see a concerning number of times is some variation of a rant on how beauty is objective. I mean, it does make sense. These people have built their entire careers fighting against a variety of concepts and minorities because theyre “weird” make them feel vaguely uncomfortable in a way they cant actually described and they cant be bothered to do some self reflection and figure out why/are paid too well to care at this point. And because of this they often tend to reinforce these sorts of ideas, trying to make good taste seem like something you can objectively measure, because it helps them justify their hate. “See, i dont actually hate seeing overweight or even perfectly average women on magazine covers because they challenge my very narrow, incredibly sexist view of what a woman should be, i dont like them because theyre simply not beautiful and arent willing to admit that!” - I honestly find this kind of rhetoric incredibly funny. These guys would probably have a fucking heart attack if you showed them the kind of stuff people are looking at on e6. Spoiler art: Yes, people do like chubby girls. Like… a lot.
Their increasingly desperate attempts at trying to portray themselves as some sort of underground, counter culture movement are also just kind of ridiculuous. Conservatism is the definition of not being counter-culture. Its literally in the name. You want the opposite of change. Stop trying to make yourself look punk, you clearly arent.
Oh boy, that was tangent. Did i say i wasnt gonna get political again last blogpost? Oh well, guess i failed.
Anyways, stop trying to make taste objective. Let me enjoy my spaghetti carbonara videos, thank you very much. Also, AJR didnt like, murder your dog or anything. Stop trying to make them seem like the devil for making perfectly fine pop music. Same goes for all the kpop bands too, fans of those guys are getting a frankly unreasonable amount of hate.
Anyways, im gonna go and… I dont have a witty ending for this one, actually. I guess ill just leave some space down here, go and make one up yourself. For bonus points, go into the comments and spend the next three hours of your fleeting life arguing why your ending sentence is objectively the best one, actually.
Oh right, here you go:
Have fun :)