01: why did i make this
Published by Kami Voidsun on
PermalinkThe first post published on my old blogger.com blog
Welp, this is my… third attempt at starting a blog, i think?
Ill probably just get bored and quit after like, a day, but yknow.
So, why did i make this blog? I mean, you can probably count the people that still actually read blogs on one hand, and its not like anyones ever going to find this blog anyways. But thats kinda why i chose to start a blog. I kinda like the idea of someone just like, randomly stumbling upon my blog at some point in the future. Kind of like a time capsule, i guess? I mean, chances are thats never going to happen, but yknow, i like the idea that it could theoretically happen at some point. Kind of like the digital equivalent of a message in bottle, i guess. Also, im like, really bored and have nothing better to do anyways, so i might as well do something sorta productive. Hopefully ill be able to get the motivation to write more than like, one blog entry but well see.